

Table of Contents 1  if Statements2  if…else Statement3  if…elif…else Statement4  Nested if statements5  Practice6  Iterables and Iterators7  while Loops8  for Loops9  range()10  enumerate¶11  The break statement12  The continue statement13  Python pass statement14  Comprehensions14.1  comprehension for lists14.2  comprehension for dictionaries14.3  comprehension for sets15  Errors Handling: try except and finally16  Memory Management in Python Iterations if,elif, else Statements for Loops while Loops range() functions break and continue statements pass statement enumerate comprehesions if Statements The colon (:) separates the header of the compound statement from the body.


In this blog post we will be going to discuss about python basics in detail Python is multi-purpose programming language developed by Guido van Rossum. The language has easy-to-use syntax, it’s a perfect language for someone trying to learn any programming for the first time. This is a comprehensive guide on Basic fundamentals concepts which we are keep in mind before writing code. Table of Contents 1  Basics1.1  print() function:1.2  comment with # symbol:2  Operators3  Primitive Data Types3.